- Misr Hotels Company, an Egyptian joint stock company, incorporated under the Prime Minister's decision, issued on 11/05/1955 published in the Egyptian Gazette issue number 48 on 20/06/1955, according to the Companies Act No. 26 of 54 on the regulations of joint stock companies, In 1971Misr Hotels Company became a subsidiary to the General Egyptian Organization for Tourism and Hotels to be part of the public sector companies subject to the provisions of Law No. 60 of 1971,In 1983 the company became subject to the provisions of Law No. 97 of 1983 and its implementing regulations on the public sector bodies and companies, In 1991 the company became subject to the provisions of the Public Business Sector Law No. 203 of 1991 and its implementing regulations under which the company became one of the subsidiary companies of the Holding Company for Tourism, Hotels
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